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Spiders in Germany


Germany, a land renowned for its rich history, vibrant culture, and breathtaking landscapes, is also home to a fascinating array of spiders. Contrary to popular belief, not all spiders found in Germany are dangerous. In fact, the majority are harmless and even beneficial to the environment. In this article, we will explore the diverse world of spiders in Germany, highlighting both the venomous species and the many harmless ones that share our living spaces.

Harmless and Beneficial Spiders

The vast majority of spiders in Germany are harmless to humans. These species have adapted well to human presence and can often be found in our homes, gardens, and other urban environments. One common harmless species is the house spider (Tegenaria domestica), which is known for its long legs and ability to weave intricate webs in corners and other sheltered areas.

Other harmless but beneficial spiders in Germany include the garden spider (Araneus diadematus) and the wolf spider (Lycosa spp.). These spiders play an important role in pest control by preying on insects that can damage crops and vegetation. The garden spider, with its distinctive web adorned with dew droplets, is a familiar sight in gardens and meadows.

Venomous Spiders in Germany

While the majority of spiders in Germany are harmless, there are a few species that possess venom that can cause discomfort or even harm to humans. However, it is important to note that spider bites are rare and often only occur when the spider is threatened or provoked.

One of the most well-known venomous spiders in Germany is the water spider (Argyroneta aquatica). This spider lives in freshwater environments and builds underwater webs where it stores air for breathing. Its venom, while not life-threatening, can cause pain and swelling. Another venomous spider found in Germany is the mandrel finger spider (Cheiracanthium spp.). This small, brown spider can deliver a painful bite that may cause local inflammation and tissue damage.


The world of spiders in Germany is diverse and fascinating. While there are a few venomous species that should be treated with caution, the vast majority of spiders are harmless and even beneficial. By understanding the different types of spiders and their behaviors, we can appreciate the intricate web of life that they are a part of, and take steps to coexist peacefully with these often-misunderstood creatures.
